MOSTAR, 22.12.2023

Proučavajući životnu priču pakistanske aktivistice i najmlađe dobitnice Nobelove nagrade za mir, Malale Yousafzai, učenici su imali priliku gledati dokumentarni biografski film “He Named Me Malala”. Film prikazuje priču hrabre djevojke koja se odvažno suprotstavila ograničenjima na putu obrazovanja žena.

Nakon projekcije filma, održana je angažirajuća diskusija o važnosti borbe za prava i obrazovanje žena i djevojčica širom svijeta. Učenici su aktivno učestvovali u dijalogu, potičući svijest o izazovima s kojima se suočavaju žene u globalnom kontekstu.

Aktivnost se održala u okviru projekta „Zagovaranje novih obrazovnih praksi“ podržanog od strane SmartBalkan granta.

NEUM, 24.11.2023

Prošli vikend družili smo se u Neumu i pripremali se za provođenje novih serija radionica u školama, na teme: Kultura dijaloga i Ljudska prava i civilno društvo.

Promišljali smo o filozofiji nenasilja, teoriji rješavanja sukoba koja zahtijeva svjestan izbor, određen stupanj fleksibilnosti i vještina, hrabrost i povjerenja u proces komunikacije. Naglasak smo, ovaj put, stavili na najvažniju vještinu uspješne komunikacije – aktivno slušanje.

Zajedničko provedeno vrijeme iskoristili smo i za pregledavanje radnoga materijala, te za razgovar o preprekama i prilikama pri realizaciji ovih mirovnih aktivnosti u školama.

Imali smo vremena i za neformalno druženje i smijeh kroz igru, što je uvijek i najslađi dio rada.

Seminar se održao u okviru projekta „Zagovaranje novih obrazovnih praksi“ podržanog od strane SmartBalkan granta. Veselimo se ponovnom druženju i zajedničkom radu!

KONJIC, 20. – 22.01.2023

Training for Herzegovina Neretva Canton high school teachers – Think equal: Empowering High School Girls in Herzegovina Neretva Canton

To get closer to the sustainable development goals (SDG), especially  SDG4 (ensure inclusive and equal quality education and promote the possibility of lifelong learning for all) and SDG5 (achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls), we decided to work with high school teachers on empowerment of high school girls in  HNCanton. In this first training, we included ten teachers from five schools.

Why did we decide on this type of training for teachers?

“One of the main causes of the different treatment of women and men in our society lies in deeply rooted stereotypes about how women and men should behave and what they should do, that is, what roles they should have in society. Gender stereotypes can limit the development of natural talents and abilities of girls and boys, women and men, as well as their educational and professional experiences and life opportunities in general. Stereotypes about women both result from, and are the cause of, deeply engrained attitudes, values, norms and prejudices against women. They are used to justify and maintain the historical relations of power of men over women as well as sexist attitudes that hold back the advancement of women.”

Gender stereotypes are still present in education and contribute to reinforcing gender stereotypes in all parts of society, while normalizing violence against women and supporting gender inequality. To prevent this, gender stereotypes should be removed from education and replaced with content that emphasizes the importance of gender equality and respect for human rights. Therefore, at the first training, we discussed, analysed and elaborated several interesting topics for the teachers to cover in their classes: •Anthropological development of girls •Self-image – Gender roles •Self-image – In my skin •Women’s health •Boundaries in relation to others • Female friendships • Heroines • My powers • Assertiveness – From assertiveness to self-confidence.

The project Think equal: Empowering High School Girls in Herzegovina Neretva Canton was developed in cooperation of the Ministry of Education HNCanton and is financially supported by the United States Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Vernes Voloder, Project Manager at NDC Mostar, gave a lecture to a group of students from Northeastern University, Boston, USA, about the importance of integrated education in the process of rebuilding post-conflict societies.

The lecture, titled Balkan Puzzles: From Yugoslavia to Civil War to European Union, was organized as part of the Northeastern University program Dialogue of Civilizations: the Balkans Dialogue, which was led by professor Denis Sullivan.

The Balkans Dialogue investigates conflict and post-conflict reconstruction in the former Yugoslavia; the reemergence of authoritarian movements and leaders in the Balkans; and increasing external involvement in Balkan affairs by Turkey, the EU, NATO, Russia, Arab States, China, and Iran.