Our Vision
is to contribute to sustainable peace and reconciliation among various communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina by engaging youth, parents and teachers in a constructive dialogue through integrated education activities, social cohesion projects and evidence-based advocacy for policy changes.
Our Mission
NDC Mostar supports, actively and effectively, dialogue processes among different ethnic groups at local, national and cross-border levels, specializing in integrated education activities, community projects and advocacy for education policy reform.

NDC Mostar supports, actively and effectively, dialogue processes

NDC Mostar supports, actively and effectively, dialogue processes
Strategic Goals
In November 2018, Nansen Dialogue Centre Mostar (NDCM) adopted a new 4-year Strategic Plan following extensive consultations, interviews and planning workshops with partners, donors and beneficiaries (school directors, teachers, government representatives, students), The strategy allows NDC to translate its vision into practice through the pursuit of the following priorities:
- Fostering trust and constructive relationships between students, parents, teachers and school officials of different ethnicities through integrated education programmes in primary/secondary schools. Through this work, school children receive quality education and develop intercultural and critical thinking skills while teachers are supported in their professional development and conflict transformation skills.
- Enhancing social cohesion through the implementation of jointly prioritized community projects. NDCM works in partnership with and in accordance with the needs of local communities. Under this strategic pillar, students and their families, teachers and other community members are supported to take common action around shared priorities.
- Enabling policy dialogue on integrated education between relevant authorities and educational institutions. NDCM believes that the current education system creates structural barriers to reconciliation. Since our work shows that progressive change is possible and meaningful, we will share our experience and results with relevant stakeholders and decision-makers and bring them together to jointly identify long-term and systemic solutions.

The work of the NDC is extremely important for this city
Our values
- Dialogue: NDC Mostar believes that dialogue is a powerful approach to empower people who live in conflict situations. It is a proven avenue to peaceful conflict transformation and democratic development
- Long term commitment : Rebuilding trustful relationships takes time and requires continuous investment. We focus on establishing long-term cooperation and on providing our stakeholders with continuous access to dialogue and integrated education opportunities
- Impartiality & Inclusiveness: NDCM acts with strict impartiality and integrity. It only implements programmes that are needs-based and co-owned by all participants since NDCM believes that peaceful social change can only happen if it relies on the shared vision of all segments of society
- Transparency & accountability: NDCM is continuously seeking the feedback of its stakeholders and strives to openly share its knowledge and lessons learned
Theory of Change
If students of different ethnic backgrounds are able to experience more systemic and structured opportunities for positive interaction and joint learnings about the potential of inclusive and diverse communities, and if there is more institutional and public support for integration of peace and reconciliation topics in classes and implementation of joint projects by divided and monoethnic schools, where all education stakeholders (authorities, students, parents and teachers) recognize the benefits of diversity for their community, then social cohesion between ethnic groups will be fostered and a climate for peaceful democratic development will be strengthened.